best organic skincare products

Alitura Naturals Skin Care

As your body’s largest organ, your skin makes up 10 percent of your total body weight and plays an active role in detoxification. Your skin is a permeable barrier that not only releases toxins through the act of sweating, but also absorbs toxins through the products you use on a daily basis such as makeup, lotion, or sunscreen.

What many people don’t realize, is just how toxic the majority of skincare products on the market actually are. Many products are made from synthetic ingredients and include very few familiar healthy ingredients. Toxin use on the skin also goes beyond just the impact it can have on your complexion. In fact, the increased toxin exposure in our modern society has been implicated in the rise of autoimmune conditions and other chronic health problems.

To prevent this, I searched for organic all-natural products to promote a radiate glow and long-term health. That’s when I discovered Alitura Naturals. Some of my favorite products include the clay mask, pearl cleanser, gold serum, night cream and body lotion.

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